Mystical Knowledge, Healing, Distant Attunements/Empowerments

Preparation for Receiving Attunements/Empowerments

I receive a lot of letters about their How Empowerments/Attunements are transferred and how best to accept empowerment/attunements, so I wrote a small guide to make it clear what and how.


Pose of the initiate

Personally, I like a person to just sit freely with open palms,
located on the knees. In “Namaste” a person at the energy-informational level
loops the flows of energy, especially those that pass from the heart through

Namaste is a pose of concentration on oneself, and in the process of tuning a person
should be open, his attention should be transferred to the streams of Reiki,
which are included in it. Therefore, it will be energetically correct to
the initiate simply sat relaxed, with his palms open. Feet must necessarily touch the floor with the whole foot, so that there is a better connection with the Earth
energy channel. And the knees should be at an obtuse angle so that the energy flows.

It is also better to do any initiation naked and without any iron jewelry on the body for better energy absorption.


What to do when you receive your Attunement/Empowerment

To pick up an empowerment or attunement sent from me, Ground and Protect yourself by shielding with a ball of White Light or whatever works for you calling in your healing guides, guardian angels or deities, other helpers or totem animals you may work with depending on your tradition, Go into a meditative state.

  You may also say a short prayer or petition asking for protection for this session.

You may also wish to light candles and incense or aromatherapy oils to change both the atmosphere and the mood, making the event a sacred moment and turning your chosen area into a temple for the duration. Furthermore, you may also like to use crystals to empower the occasion and these can also be used afterwards whenever you are working or connecting with this particular stream of energy.

You play some soft music if you desire.

Sit on a chair so that your back is straight and your arms and legs do not cross, or lie down comfortably. Calm your breathing. Breathe in with your belly, first breathe deeply several times, and then move to a comfortable pace and depth of breathing. Watch your breathing. When you feel completely relaxed and nothing distracts, say aloud or silently 3 times the affirmation of your intention and readiness to accept the empowerment/attunement:

“I now call in the Chi Ball which carried the_________ (healing energy/empowerment) from _______.  I accept this Chi Ball now with love, light, peace and gratitude. Or simply Lie or sit down, Speak mentally or allowed the following statement: I (your name), I am willing to be attuned, to the energy (name)!  From (name of teacher)!  Now!  So be it!”

Visualize the ball opening and entering your Crown Chakra. The energy will pour out of the Chi Ball and begin to attune (initiate) and bring energy of healing to you. After the attunement/healing session, thank your guides for their help. Pass the energy onto others. This is the key to the power of healing and sending energy: giving and receiving and sharing with intent.

Then continue to observe the body, what changes will occur in it. Watch your thoughts, do not try to drive them away. Just watch them without delaying them. Let them go. After 15-60 (possibly more) minutes, in a rhythm that is comfortable for you, gradually return to your usual level of awareness. Take a few deep breaths, stretch all your limbs from the heart. Fold your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest (Gassho) and thank the teachers and higher beings for the attunement.

Have a glass of water and eat some protein foods if you are feeling lightheaded or woozy after initiation.


Purification period after initiation

After the initiation, there is a 21-day period of purification, as the vibration frequency of your energy system increases. All blockages on the surface begin to soften and go away. An intensive washout of the toxins accumulated in the body begins.

At the beginning of the cleansing cycle, reactions may occur: the manifestation of old diseases, an emotional crisis (tears) and other unusual phenomena. It is important to let go of everything, not to cling to old feelings, emotions, way of thinking, etc. The purification period gives you the opportunity to learn to listen to your body and consciously process and integrate parts of your personality that have not yet been accepted.
All reactions go away quickly if you continue to give yourself a full Reiki session every day, if it was an attunement to the Reiki energy.


This period of cleansing must be supported by appropriate actions:

1. During these three weeks, give yourself daily Reiki and have a full session

2. Drink 2-3 liters of liquid a day for better flushing of toxins from the body

3. Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee and black tea in excess, try to smoke less

4. It is recommended to give Reiki to another only after receiving the 2nd stage – the first stage is your work with yourself, adaptation to energy and preparation for the next stage …


New to attunements? Start here

Reiki spiritual Courses, Empowerments/Attunements



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Thank you very much! Thanks to your post, this helped to find my mistakes in doing my empowerment, and with empowerment jokes are bad. I’m just a simple self-taught beginner. I didn’t think I’d find this just by going to an unknown site and post. You have a wonderful website and I think you are a highly spiritual person, keep up the good work! Good luck! 🙏