Distant Attunements/Empowerments

Choosing the Right Attunement/Empowerment: Trusting Your Intuition

When faced with multiple attunements/empowerments to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine which one to accept first. However, it’s important to remember that there are no wrong choices in this process. Each attunement brings its own unique experiences and spiritual lessons. Trusting your intuition is key in making the decision that resonates with you. While some attunement modalities may have specific requirements regarding the order of acceptance, most of the time, the choice is up to you.

Here are some suggestions to help you decide if your intuition is unclear:

Multiple Attunements on the Same Topic:
If you have acquired attunements that focus on the same or similar topic areas, it may be beneficial to start with a more well-rounded attunement that provides a solid grounding in the subject. From there, you can progress to more specific attunements based on your desired goals. For example, if you have obtained various shamanic attunements, you could begin with a general attunement like the Shamanic Activation Maintenance Attunement before moving on to more specialized ones like the Soul Retrieval Maintenance Attunement. This approach allows you to build upon a strong foundation while delving into more specific aspects.

Multiple Attunements on Different Topics:
When facing attunements on different topics, it can be helpful to start with broader attunements or modalities before narrowing down to more specific ones. You can prioritize based on the topic area or even the energetic vibration of the attunements. If you’re uncertain about the sequence, it can be beneficial to conclude with attunements that carry the highest vibration. This creates an attunement sequence that progressively builds on the energetic vibrations, leading to the acceptance of the final attunement.

Flexibility and Intuition:

Remain flexible in your attunement sequencing.

If you had planned to accept an attunement on a specific day but it doesn’t feel right, trust your intuition and adjust the schedule accordingly. Allow yourself to flow with the attunements, accepting them when it feels most aligned. This approach often leads to the most profound experiences and spiritual discoveries.

    With practice and experience, you will develop a heightened awareness of which attunement to accept first and how to create the most suitable attunement sequence for yourself. Remember to embrace the journey and trust that every choice you make holds valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

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    What are Chi Balls distance Attunements/Empowerments?

    Do Distant Attunements Work?

    Which empowerment/attunement should I choose?

    Preparation for Receiving Attunements/Empowerments

    What happens during receiving Attunements/Empowerments?

    What to do After accepting Attunements/Empowerments?

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    Thank you! This wonderful article helped me to make my choice easier