Meditations, Mystical Knowledge, Tantra, Taoism

Taoist exercises that increase the level of sexuality.

These exercises for men and women, when performed regularly, increase the level of sexuality, awaken sexual energy.

Abdominal breathing.
Sit in a chair. The back is straight. The feet are firmly pressed to the floor and are shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your navel and relax your shoulders. Inhale through your nose and feel the lower abdomen expand at the navel and bulge outward. The diaphragm will also go down. Leaving your ribcage relaxed, exhale with the same force, drawing in your lower abdomen, as if you were trying to pull your navel towards your back. Repeat the exercise 18-36 times.

Abdominal laughter.
Abdominal laughter is a sincere laugh that makes your entire belly shake and can easily replace abdominal breathing. This amazing exercise will fill you with energy that you can later move around the body and achieve not only great well-being, but also a fuller orgasm.
Sit in a chair with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Place your hands on your belly and start laughing so that the laugh comes from your belly. Feel your belly vibrate. Laugh at least three minutes, three times a day.

Count up to a hundred.
Inhale slowly, expanding your belly, and then exhale slowly, flattening your belly. Start counting from one to one hundred, thinking only of your breath. if you get distracted and lost count, start counting again. The exercise should be performed twice a day until you can easily, without being distracted by extraneous thoughts, count to a hundred.

Increased ability to concentrate.
This exercise is almost exactly the same as abdominal breathing. The only difference is that here it is necessary to count the breathing cycles (inhale-exhale), not allowing your consciousness to be distracted. If this happens, start over.


Beauty, Rejuvenation, Attraction, Sexuality, spiritual Courses Empowerments/Attunements

Tantra/Tantric spiritual Courses, Empowerments/Attunements

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