Tantra, Taoism, Women's practices

Practicing Womb Breathing

Sit in a quiet place, turn on soft music, close your eyes.
To begin with, just sit for 5-10 minutes, calm your thoughts, anxieties, distract yourself from everyday affairs, focus on what you will be doing now to cultivate your feminine energy.
So let’s start…
Breathe deeply with your chest, and gradually lower your breath down into the abdomen, now breathe with your stomach, breathing is deep, calm, even …
Now gently lower your breath into the uterus, and breathe as if through the uterus …
Track what sensations you have in the uterus? What is the energy there? What color is she? What are the emotions in this organ of femininity?
It often happens that a woman’s uterus “cries”, I often met this in private energy sessions. Or the uterus is all shrinking, frightened, there may be fear … pain, fears … resentment …
Talk to your uterus by placing your hand on your groin area. Ask her: “What can I do for you? What are you missing? How can I help you?”… The answer will come by itself, YOU will feel it, understand it.
Ask her forgiveness for treating her sometimes rudely or harshly, did not attach importance and attention to her.
And now breathe with this attitude: each breath fills your uterus with light, warmth, and with the exhalation, dark spots, negativity, pain, resentment go away … and again inhale—the heat energy enters the uterus and fills it with light, love, attention …. Exit—all bad things leave the uterus into the earth, dissolving in it …
Breathe like this for 5-7 minutes to start.
Then promise the uterus to take care of her more, thank her for giving you beauty, femininity, charm …
Raise the breath again into the stomach, and then into the chest …
Take a deep breath and open your eyes!

To begin with, work out several times by cleansing the uterus, as a rule, many women have already managed to accumulate a lot there. And then you can just breathe the uterus, fill it with energy. Ultimately, you should have the feeling that your uterus is shining through your body in a radius of five meters and illuminating everything around. This is just an amazing feeling, it touches all passers-by and people begin to smile at you, turn to you, treat you differently, and you yourself get the feeling that there is an inexhaustible source of love, affection and warmth inside you.


Beauty, Rejuvenation, Attraction, Sexuality, spiritual Courses Empowerments/Attunements

Tantra/Tantric spiritual Courses, Empowerments/Attunements

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