Women's practices, Mystical Knowledge, Tantra, Taoism

How I Create Space

It is very common for a woman to take everyone as an ally, especially the place in which she lives. Everything wants to belong to a woman—a woman animates space, breathes life into things. What’s inside, so outside. Maybe a huge mess, maybe the sterile emptiness of an operating room. The external is a reflection of the internal, and by changing the external, you help yourself: to clear up the indestructible, to revive the inanimate.

It is good when every simple household action has a reflection on the subtle plane. Homework filled with inner content becomes more pleasant, through conscious actions the house is filled with warmth and meaning. I invite you to creativity.

What do you want to dedicate simple household activities to?
Make a bed in the morning—so that life becomes as ordered and smooth? Order in business?
Smoothing out your nightgown before putting it away—smoothing out your love line? Erase the scars on your heart?
Wash windows, mirrors—wash off traces of resentment? Erase something from life? Get rid of illusions?
Wash dishes—wash out past connections? Wash away the weight of the recent strife?
Wash the floor with herbs—choose what you want to wipe.
Ironing clothes for your loved ones—give a piece of yourself on the road? Protect? Smooth out obstacles?
You can touch your husband’s clothes before a business trip to protect against temptations. Fluff pillows, clean them with your hands to ward off insomnia. Dismantle closets to restore order in some area of ​​your life. Plant a living flower to fulfill the goal.

If you want to add something to your family’s life, think about it and mix food clockwise, remove it against. Ask spices for help, study their influence, each has its own area in which it is especially strong. The possibility of influence through food cannot be underestimated, and if, after cleaning the house, an assistant can walk around the house and fill it with oneself, shift and touch the ironed things, then it is always better to feed the family and your man with your loving hands. Cooking—filling food.

Ask to purify the water, fill the fire with strength, revitalize the air, and give stability to the earth. It is possible and vice versa.
Make your front door a portal that will do most of the work for you. Charms, conspiracies, aromas, just your protective energy is your choice.
Hug your man upon arrival home, stroke. Take off with your body, with your hands everything that he brought negative, throw it off him and be sure to take it off yourself. Ask for help at home.

Look at the house in terms of energy. Imagine from the front door that you are a fresh breeze that looked into the warmth of your hearth. Where will you go, if you are wind, energy?
Are you free to pass through (walls, rubble, nooks, and crannies)? Are you accelerating too fast down long corridors? Doesn’t the door immediately opposite the entrance beckon you to go there without having time to go in? If something is wrong, do not be lazy to correct: mirrors, crystals, fountains to help.

What does your doorbell sound like? What does it sound like in your house? What music, the sound of your phone?
Sounds can harmonize space, dispel negativity, the consequences of disputes, and can bring cacophony not only into the house, but also into the thoughts and feelings of those living in the house.

Smells are the least conscious, and therefore the most influential component. It is not an easy task to find flavors and dosages that are pleasant for all households, but quite doable. How does your house smell? Is your bedroom relaxing? Do towels smell good? Do bedsheets smell good?

Love yourself with your home…

Love yourself with your food…

Love yourself with your clothes…

Love yourself with your space…


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Very helpful❤️