Mystical Knowledge

Applying for financial aid and support to the North

You will need:

• A thick green candle (the candle must be thick enough to stand on its own, without a candlestick)

 • Magic oil of well-being or peppermint essential oil 

• A nail or something sharp that can be used to put an inscription on the candle

• A small aventurine, tiger’s eye or onyx with the “Daeg” runic symbol applied to it (if you don’t have any of these stones at hand, any black or green stone will do).

The northern direction in magic is associated with the material side of our life, with financial well-being. Turning to the north, you turn for help to the archangel Uriel, the patron saint of the north, it is him that you ask for help. This ritual is best performed during the period when the moon is in the constellation Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. If you have a pentagram of one of the above constellations, wear it while performing the ritual.
Carve the “Daeg” rune symbol onto the candle and coat it with the magical oil of well-being. Place a lit candle in the northernmost part of your home. Opposite it, place a stone with a rune. Stand near the candle with your face facing north and look at the flame. Raise your right hand, palm up, to the north and cast the following spell:

“Uriel, angel of the earth, guardian of the north!
I pray you come to me and help me
fulfill my wish.”

Relax and watch the flames. After a while, you will see how the flames fold into the figure of Uriel, dressed in green clothes. Ask the angel to help you fulfill your desire to succeed, achieve financial growth and increase your level of wealth. When you feel that your pleas have been heard, thank Uriel and let him go. After the silhouette of Uriel dissolves and only the flame of the candle remains, take the stone with the rune symbol and put it in your pocket, now it will serve you as a talisman. Then blow out the candle.


Abundance & Prosperity spiritual Courses, Empowerments/Attunements

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Carmin lal

Thank you for this.
It’s very simple and effective 🙏


Very good post .

Papa Chuck

This is so simple and very powerful …
I will definitely be trying this😇